Saturday, December 23, 2023

2023 book challenge prompts


1. A book with a subtitle -
2. Featuring an inheritance:
3. Title starting with a letter G -
4. Title starting with a letter H -
5. Title starting with a letter I -
6. Under 200 pages -
7. A city or country name in the title -
8. Dystopian fiction -
9. A book with a dedication -
10. Takes place during the Roaring Twenties -
11. A book about secrets -
12. High fantasy -
13. Published posthumously -
14. A survival story -
15. Set in Australia -
16. Featuring one of the "seven deadly sins" -
17. By a Caribbean author -
18. Set during a war other than WWI or WW2 -
19. Typographic cover -
20. A book about siblings -
21. A secondhand book -
22. A body positive message -
23. An alliterative title -
24. Nordic noir -
25. A fashionable character -
26. Has an epilogue -
27. Newbery medal winner -
28. Includes a funeral -
29. Sends you down a rabbit hole -
30. An author with the same name as you -
31. Set in a workplace -
32. Published by MacMillan -
33. A banned book -
34. Featuring Mythology -
35. A book you meant to read last year -
36. Chapters with cliffhangers -
37. Written in present tense -
38. An enemies to lovers plot -
39. The final book in a series -
40. Written by a comedian -
41. A character who is a refugee -
42. Time in the title -
43. A book "everyone" has read -
44. A contemporary setting
45. First word in the book is the -
46. Script font on the spine -
47. Set in the city of Dublin -
48. A book by Octavia E. Butler -
49. Books on the cover -
50. Related to the word murder -
51. Doesn't fit any other prompts -
52. Published in 2023 -

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